Tuesday, June 3, 2008

In Tortola we took a mountain hike and our group got separated and our guides got lost. We were supposed to follow a trail that looped around the mountain and came back out where we started and it was supposed to last about an hour and a half and ended lasting about 3 to 4 hours. We followed a path that ended up trailing off in the middle of the forest and we had to turn around and back track out. The forests there were really cool the tree roots made up the forest floor. The whole ground was just a tangle of roots and dirt.

Plants just grew every where even out of the sides of trees and rocks.

This is the little shop where the trail started and ended. They had candy bars here that were just like "Mounds" bars but bigger and better they were called "Bounty Bars".
We brought some home for every one to try along with some other island favorites like guava cheese and coconut fudge, but every one liked the bounty bars best.

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